Archive for March, 2007

Immigration Salutation

Posted in Politics on March 22, 2007 by edge3306

I would like to personally welcome each and every new illegal alien to the United States of America. You are here courtesy of all of the other illegal aliens who have shown you that  our leaders here in America will talk about illegal immigration. That’s it. They will talk about it. Talking about doing something is much easier than actually doing something. Well here in the real world talk is as cheap as Mexican labor.

I can not for the life of me begin to understand how any American can say that illegal aliens should be able to stay in the country. When the prefix word used to describe someones status begins with “illegal” it should be a no-brainer. Sort of like “convicted” killer. There is no gray area here. You are either here legally or you are not. If you are not you must leave and apply for legal alien status in this country and perhaps eventually citizenship.

I have read about and heard what many democrats have to say on the issue of illegal immigration. Some have proposed their own plan on how to deal with the problem. More plans means more talk. That is what got us here in the first place. We did not just wake up and realize that we have as many as twenty million illegal aliens living in this country. If September eleventh was the alarm going off to wake up and smell the Mexican coffee than why more than six years later has nothing been done? This habit politicians have of talking an issue to death rather than making some real choices is exactly the inaction that has made our borders as accessible as a Taco Bell drive through window. The talk in Washington has done something though. It has made many illegals so fearful that they are not going to banks or money transfer companies. Officials fear migrants may return to the days of sending money back through friends and family members and drop out completely from the system. That should help boost the expected $100 billion annually Latin Americans working outside their countries are expected to send home by 2010 as reported recently by the Inter-American Development Bank. Economist Larry Kudlow has stated numerous times that illegal aliens contribute to the system and pay taxes. I don’t know how many illegal aliens Mr. Kudlow knows personally or where he gets his information from but that is just a ridiculous notion. Why pay taxes when you are not even on the grid? And if you are on the grid than whomever is employing you is aiding and abetting an illegal alien and they should be held accountable by the law. The bottom line is that most illegal aliens are paid in cash and the government never sees a penny of it. I wonder if Larry Kudlow pays his landscaper and maid in cash?

I wonder why this issue is even being discussed in Washington at all. Entering this country illegally is against the law. Period. If you break the law you should be arrested by the first law enforcement official you come in contact with and deported. Period. Illegal immigration should be a law enforcement and homeland security issue not a political issue. Some of the ingenious plans being served up by the Democrats call for granting a work visa or other type of legal status based on how long you have been illegally in our country. One plan offers illegal aliens who have been here for less than five years amnesty and a temporary work visa while they apply for legal status. Illegals who have been here more than five years also get amnesty and may apply for citizenship. Hey why not give them the Congressional Medal of Honor if they’ve been here more than ten years?

If someone breaks into my home and I catch them inside I guess I should just let them stay because they are already there. Ted Kennedy thinks I should add them to my family’s insurance plan, educate their kids, and provide other benefits to them and their family. They will cut my grass and do the work that I’m just too lazy to do because they are hard- working honest people. Except for the breaking into my house part. 

The issue of illegal immigration needs to be taken out of the politicians hands and put into the hands of law enforcement and homeland security. The laws are clear and so should the response be. If you are here illegally you should be deported whether you’re here for twenty minutes or twenty years. Since you snuck in here quietly you will be deported quietly. No press, no media circus, no protests. I do not want to read about every thirteen year old girl who gets caught stealing at the mall or about every illegal alien who has been deported. In my opinion neither are news worthy.

Pressure needs to be put on Mexican President Felipe Calderon who took office in 2006 amid speculation of election fraud and corruption. In Mexico? No way.  On the issue of immigration, like his predessor he has been an outspoken critic of U.S. efforts, such as the border fence, to curb the influx of illegals. After a meeting with President Bush in November, Mr. Calderon stressed well-paid jobs in Mexico as the only solution. The only solution? Mexico’s two cheif exports seem to be their own people and drugs. Why should America be responsible for creating well-paid jobs in Mexico? Why isn’t Mexico initiating training programs for their people in manufacturing and textiles. Imagine if Mexico, our ally and neighbor to the south could cut into the gripping monopoly China has on imports to the United States due to cheap labor. It would create more jobs, industry and promote entreprenerism. I do think that it is in America’s best interest to assist Mexico in developing it’s labor force . With 1 percent of Mexico’s population at the top, a very small middle class and the rest being abject poverty that is going to be a tall order. Washington should consider reaching out to major corporations that are currently importing most of their products from China and introduce them to the idea of possibly doing business with manufacturers in Mexico. In the meantime as the old saying goes” Good fences make good neighbors”. 

Conservative Radio Talk Show Host Laura Ingraham is Giving Conservatives a Bad Name

Posted in opinion on March 20, 2007 by edge3306

Conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham’s program airs every night from ten to midnight on WABC radio. That time slot used to be capably filled by John Batchelor until a few months ago when he was replaced by Ingraham who was on in an earlier time slot. Even though I found John Batchelor to be a bit dramatic and long-winded I became used to his style and was amazed at some of the guests he had on the show. Court TV’s attorney extraordinaire Ed Hayes, intelligence expert John Loftus, military leaders, terrorist leaders, respected journalists, politicians and foreign leaders.  All in all the show made the ride home less agonizing and a I always seemed to learn something. Often I would become engaged with my students or their parents in conversation and found myself intelligently repeating something I had heard on John Batchelor’s show.

Since Laura Ingraham was chosen to be on the air the same time as my drive home I was forced to choose between her and rap. I was familiar with her show having usually caught the last ten minutes or so when she was on before John Batchelor. She was intelligent and made some good points. She had a tendency to sound overly pious on certain issues and her distrust of democrats was always made obvious. In the past six months I have noticed that the show has become more low rent than conservative. I have noticed myself taking issue with many of the things said on the show. I have tried to call hundreds of times only to get a busy signal. Since I can’t express my feelings to her personally on the air I have opted to write this blog that you are hopefully still reading.

First off I find it offending when her and the Jerky Boys she has working for her attack someones appearance, their voice, or their intelligence. I have heard them make fun of everything from weight and hair to accent and clothing choices. It’s as if someone told them they were off the air and so they sit around and have these self absorbing conversations about something they read on the internet. I don’t see how making fun of a politicians weight or badly mimicking the speaker of the house’s voice is intelligent conservative radio. I’ve heard her rip women apart for trying to be too thin. Have you seen her picture? She’s a stick figure. And talk about hair. Is that a thirteen year old boys surfer hair cut she has going on there? Basically she has little room to talk about others in the appearance department. Hmm, she’s single isn’t she. Never married huh? Wonder why.  If you look at the pictures on her website you can see that her staff is not exactly boy band material either. Now that I think about it she looks like she could be in a boy band. She could be the “aren’t I mysterious because I’m endlessly moody” guy.

The constant sound effects mixed with the constant self praising sound bites mixed with the “Butt Monkey” scream make the show sound more like the Gong Show than a conservative radio talk show. Okay kids, put the sound toys down and sit in the glass booth quietly. Of course the show segways into her website at every possible moment. You are endlessly steered like cows to her website where for a fee you can join her insider’s club called “Laura 365” which I think is how many days it’s been since her last date. I don’t know what you get for joining the club but If it’s more her than I’ll pass.

My last problem with the show is how much time she devotes to bashing others in her profession. Any journalist who disagrees with her is simply a left wing puppet for the media controlling democrats. I’m no fan of Hillary Clinton and would honestly consider moving to Canada if she were elected but she seems to have a personal vendetta against the former first lady. It’s as if she caught a glimpse of the Hillster in the shower in summer camp twenty years ago and can’t shake the feelings she had so she lashes out.  Ingraham is always talking about not giving people like anti war activist turned camera hog Cindy Sheehan a voice yet does just that with her usual routine of airing sound bites and then making fun of them. Cindy Sheehan should not even be a blip on anyone’s radar yet thanks to people like Laura Ingraham she will probably get a her own reality show by next fall. “Looking for America’s Next Activist” with host Cindy Sheehan. 

I would love to see WABC Radio bring back John Batchelor but I know that his show although intelligent and thought provoking was too dry. That apparently did not appeal to WABC’s nighttime listeners who seem to need monkey screams and fat jokes more than real news and intelligent opinion. I will continue to listen to Laura Ingraham due to a lack of credible choices and will also keep trying to call into her show.  The moment I get an iPOD…she’s done!

How About Some Positive Responsible Rap

Posted in opinion on March 9, 2007 by edge3306

Every place you go
everything you see
rap music influencing
every aspect of our society
not a day goes past
i don’t see some kid’s pants hanging off his ass
his cell phone ringing
his bling-bling clinging
around the neck he knew his father would be ringing
for not being in school
but it’s all cool
because this little fool
thinks a thug’s lifes the tool
to a fancy house
and a swimming pool
a brand new car
a shiny gold tooth
a big old boat complete with friends on board it
don’t worry because he can afford it
maybe in his dreams
if he truly believes gangsta life is everything it seems
let me break it down for you
it was 1983
I was at Sugarhill Records working security
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five on sight
the Fat Boys with Their Rapper’s Delight
I was there at the start
when rap had a heart
music with a beat
sounds of the street
people moving their feet
it was all pretty sweet
then suddenly rap changed
beats were rearranged
when gangs took the stage
and thugs grabbed the microphones
pumping violence and rage
guns on their videos
women degraded
cops they hated
gang bangers incarcerated
kids become infatuated
gangsta life is the ticket
join a gang and kick it
have a problem call your boyz
and together we will lick it
it was all right there
up in your face
rappers depicting themselves as gangsta’s
but is that really the case?
They dress like they came off right off the streets
but truth be told most came from middle class families
never deprived of anything
had birthday parties and even christmas trees
just like the guys from Public Enemy
who grew up in long island
in nice houses landscaped tastefully
what about IceT
the dreadlocked pimp wannabe
who wrote cop killer
but now plays one on TV
and sweet Lil’ Kim
she needs to hit the gym
or start dressing more like a lady
like the real slim shady
all five foot two
eyes of blue
a torture tatoo
who’s fooling who?
selling out is what these guys are really all about
no doubt
you need to open your eyes
see through the disguise
gangs, drugs and violence will only lead to your demise
the words they’re spilling
are just a bunch of lies
I’m tired of this crap
how about some positive rap
all that negativity
just doesn’t work for me
some responsible rap
is what I want to see
kids need heros
not another gangsta MC
the choice is yours
any star can crash
stop buying their music
stop giving them cash
stop calling their name
tell your friends to do the same
we control the game
for nobody is worse
than someone who spreads only hatred in their verse
it’s hard to sell hate without a microphone
without an audience you’re all alone.

Is Peaceful Conflict Resolution Being Over-taught in Martial Arts Schools?

Posted in opinion on March 8, 2007 by edge3306

Is Peaceful Conflict Resolution Being Over-taught to Kids in Martial Arts Schools Today?

It seems as though teaching peaceful conflict resolution skills in martial art’s schools has become as important if not more important than teaching physical self defense skills. This trend, although righteous in theory may be causing more damage than it is preventing. Are martial arts instructors spending too much valuable class time having their students practice verbal diffusion skills and non-physical defensive tactics? Many martial arts schools have all but abandoned teaching the real self defense skills that they were taught in favor of some type of “Bully Breaker” or “Bully Bouncer” program. Teaching young martial artists that they have “non-physical” options in dealing with bullies is a very good idea. Teaching these “non-physical” skills over martial arts skills that are physical is not a good idea. Usually when a student comes to my Academy with a bully problem they have already exhausted all of the peaceful conflict resolution tactics and are now desperate for some type of relief. They did not walk in my door to learn more witty phrases or to better understand the bullies deep rooted problems, they walked in because they have had enough and now they want to learn how to defend themselves. They want to learn how to justifiably fight back, and that is precisely what I teach them.

To better understand how teaching verbal peaceful conflict resolution skills may indeed be hurting our students, or at least confusing them we must first examine the dynamics of a conflict. A conflict is a state of opposition between persons, or ideas, or interests. It is basically a disagreement of two or more parties pertaining to a common interest. As of this writing there were over 20 significant armed conflicts worldwide with some dating back as far as 1948. Conflict has been around since the beginning of time. When peaceful conflict resolutions fail the next logical step has always been a military one. The word “martial” is befitting a warrior or relating to armed forces. Soldiers are taught both offensive and defensive tactics for one purpose, to destroy the enemy before he destroys them. Soldiers are not taught by their drill sergeants in boot-camp to meet the enemy and have a chat on the battlefield about how they can work this out peacefully. When a conflict has escalated into a fight only the best trained fighters will survive. While I understand that an all out war is quite different from a child being bullied, the dynamics of the conflict are the same. Or are they?

Let’s leave the battlefield and take a trip to the hallway of a local middle school. Jim, the infamous school bully has been targeting Jared, a smaller and unassuming kid who does his homework, keeps to his small circle of friends, and spends more time than he should avoiding Jim. Jared has no idea why Jim has picked him as this year’s unlucky recipient of his name calling, taunts, trips, and occasional all out poundings. Punches in the arm have become common hallway occurrences and a poorly timed trip to the bathroom could mean big trouble. The “lets-all-get-along” peaceful resolution gurus would say what we have here is a genuine conflict. This is where I gravely disagree. What we have here is a daily attack that needs to be defended against. Where is the conflict here? Is it that Jim wants to beat Jared up every day thereby conflicting with Jared’s desire to not get beaten up? When a student like Jared comes to my Academy I am going to do my best to give him the physical skills and confidence to defend himself and to fight back. If he already had those skills he would not be visiting my academy. I am not going to waste his valuable class time going over the same verbal diffusion skills that have already failed. I am not going to tell him to just avoid the bully because that has not worked. I am not going to tell him that fighting back is wrong and that he should not use his martial arts skills to fight because that is exactly what they are intended for. What I am going to do is give Jared what he came here for, solid reality based self defense skills because that is my job. I am not a debating team coach, or a UN delegate. I am a martial arts instructor and I am proud that I teach people to defend themselves. Martial arts instructors who have jumped on the conflict resolution bandwagon in favor of teaching real martial arts skills may be adding to their student’s confusion when it comes to a real self defense situation. Students should be taught what a conflict is and what an attack is so that they may be prepared for either should the need arise. Too often in life people mistake kindness for weakness and sometimes you need to set them straight.

The Race is on. The gloves are off…and Nobody Cares

Posted in Politics on March 7, 2007 by edge3306

With the elections looming just a mere 20 months away the campaigning has already begun. Hillary Clinton has tossed her John Deere baseball hat in the ring. Obama has his doo-rag in as well. John McCain is giving it another shot and “Super Mayor” Rudy Giulianai has thrown his comb over into the feeding frenzy.  I am still haunted by the last elections held this past November. The barrage of sleazy mud-slinging television ads and constant coverage from the media made it nearly impossible to escape. I noticed as I had conversations with friends, students and colleagues that virtually everyone else felt the same way that I did. We all agreed that some of the personal attacks on candidates were so underhanded that I wondered why anyone would ever go into politics in the first place.  I think what bothers most people is the negative attacks on opposing candidates, flip-flopping on ideals or past decisions and of course lying.

It is well known in Washington that the Clintons have taken negative attacks and lying to new levels of political barbarism. After being evicted from the White House when the Bush’s moved in, Bill and Hillary could be seen jamming presidential memorabilia like furniture, paintings, and the Declaration of Independence into the RV to start the long ride back to the trailer park in Arkansas. Somehow they took a wrong turn and wound up in New York where Hillary ran for congress while Bill worked on the opening of his memorial library in Arkansas. His idea for a “Book Mobile” type presidential library on wheels was disapproved when he wanted to add a pornographic section behind a red curtain. The rest as we know it is tragedy. The people of New York in their infinite wisdom elected Hillary as their senator even though their was wide spread speculation that she ultimately had her eye on the presidency and a U-Haul back to the White House. To think that we have to spend the next twenty months listening to Hillary Clinton’s fake southern drawl every time she visits the south is horrifying. Ever since that house fell on her sister in Oz she has been out of control. This brings me to another point that I haven’t heard anyone bring up. The current front runners in this upcoming election are three senators, a governor, and a former mayor. Senators and Governors are elected officials who are paid a salary to represent and work for the people of their state. With twenty months of campaigning ahead of them I wonder who is taking care of the day to day responsibilities of their currently elected posts? If I was a citizen of New York who voted for Hillary Clinton I would feel slighted. As a candidate you are no longer dedicated to serving the public who elected and entrusted you.

I believe that the rules for campaigning for public office need to be overhauled and strict rules need to be introduced and enforced.  The first rule would be that anyone who currently holds an elected or appointed public office that runs for a higher office must resign their current post. The public isn’t paying for half a job. No place in business or the corporate world would you keep an employee who is spending their work time seeking a better job. Every race has a start and a finish. An election should be no different. Campaigning, fund raising, and soliciting of any kind would not begin until nine months before the elections. Nine months is plenty of time to get your message to the American people. Twenty months of listening to any candidate is just too much to ask anyone to bear. Another rule would address fairness and negativity in advertising. Personal attacks on opposing candidates will not be permitted. The issues, past voting decisions, performance in office, and experience may be brought up and questioned. Religion, past drug use, marital status, and any other personal attacks will not be allowed and may result in a fine, public apology, and perhaps a flogging by Nancy Pelosi on the White House lawn.

If the current trend of ridiculously expensive long dragged out campaigns strewn with opponent bashing, scandal, lying and speaking to the American people like we are five year olds continues people will never get a clear picture of who the candidates really are. Voters just like politicians make mistakes and those mistakes can be easily corrected in the next election. If the campaign for President of the United States is going to be nothing more than performance theatre than we may as well cancel the election now and let Randy, Paula, and Simon pick the next President.