Archive for November, 2008

The Death of Harvey Houtkin: On the Road with The Bandit Part 3

Posted in Uncategorized on November 27, 2008 by edge3306

                    In between business trips with Harvey we would usually be back in the office in Montvale, New Jersey. Harvey was strategically placed in the corner office on the second floor. He would usually sit at his desk facing away from the door and whomever would wander into his office. He had set up three monitors behind his desk to watch the market and would often have detailed conversations with people while only occasionally looking up at them. His door was rarely closed and anyone could and often would just walk in and talk to Harvey. He enjoyed the company and as long as you understood that he was going to be trading while talking to you then he never seemed to mind visitors. If the market got crazy he would graciously excuse himself and tell the person that he needed to concentrate for a little while.

                 I walked into Harvey’s office to show him an ad I was working on for Investor’s Business Daily. As usual he felt it was to subtle and he made some changes. I told him that it wasn’t going to fly with Linda Lerner, All-Tech’s general counsel, a brilliant and feisty woman with an incredible knowledge of the brokerage industry. “Fuck her,” was his usual response when I brought up her forthcoming rejection of the ad. On this particular Friday in August Harvey had far more important things on his mind and he quickly tossed the ad on his desk demonstrating once again that he had the attention span of a Tic-Tac and said, “Let’s go”, as he got up and headed for the office door. “Where are we going,” I asked as if it mattered since I was already right behind him. “I have to pick something up”, he responded as he headed down the stairs and out into the bright sunlight and a scorching  August heatwave in northern New Jersey. He had borrowed a little red pick-up truck that belonged to one of the staff at his estate.

                  He drove to a house in Saddle River, a cozy affluent community and onetime home of former President Richard Nixon. A woman in her sixties was in the garage as we drove into the driveway. Harvey said hello and told me to take an end of what could only be described as one of the ugliest couches I’ve ever seen. It was shiny dark gold cloth with images of the Liberty Bell and script from the Declaration of Independence superimposed all over it. We loaded it on the truck sideways across the truck bed. Harvey had of course brought no rope or cords. That is why I was there. To hold it. He haggled with the woman on the pre-agreed upon price and as usual got his way. When he got in the truck he handed me a two foot wide by one foot high American Eagle made of pennies and dimes glued together and mounted on a wooden oval plaque. “I paid five bucks for this,” he said proudly. “There’s at least twenty dollars worth of coins on this thing”, he went on justifying his ridiculous purchase. “I got the couch for fifty bucks and she threw in a lamp for free,” he continued. “Great”, I said. “Where are you going to put all of this crap”? “In the office,” he responded as if I should have known that he would bring junk a homeless person wouldn’t sleep on to our tastefully decorated corporate office. “Mark Shefts was going to crap a cow when he see this junk,” I thought.

                The couch started sliding the second we pulled out of the driveway. I was holding one corner with my outstretched arm as Harvey drove and held the other end as we drove back to the office. On the way he told me that he had agreed upon a price of a hundred dollars but told the woman he only had fifty on him knowing that she was moving that day and had to get rid of the couch. She was a recent widow he told me. I told him that he was going to hell and now he had the furniture to go with him. He just laughed as we stopped in Shop-Rite because Pepsi was on sale and he had coupons.

                      Harvey came up to the register with ten cases of Pepsi and his coupon. The coupon was only good for two cases. Harvey immediately began negotiating with the pimple-faced teenager behind the register who was clearly getting very nervous as Harvey attacked relentlessly with dialogue not fit for the young and innocent. A manager overheard the commotion and came over to assist. Harvey told him that he fed the homeless and he needed ten cases of Pepsi. Not only did he get the ten cases the manager scanned his employee card and Harvey got another twenty percent off. He was in his glory.

                    When we got back to the office it was already after hours so the place was empty when we brought in the furniture and set it up in the waiting room. After seeing the lamp the couch is now the second ugliest piece of furnitue I’ve ever seen. We hanged the eagle coin plaque above the couch which rounded out the room as a total disatser and completely inappropriate for the office. Harvey of course loved it. I couldn’t wait until Monday when people saw it. It looked like the dark waiting room of a 1930’s politician with bad taste and a lust for Asian prostitutes. It was hideous.

TV Evangelists: DJ Pastor and The Funky Bunch

Posted in Uncategorized on November 27, 2008 by edge3306

                  TV Evangelists are all over the airwaves these days which is fine by me because in what the future will call the Dark Ages II we need these sobbing degenerates more than ever. The economy is lying in a ditch off Route 295 with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The rich are jobless, the middle class are homeless, and the homeless are laughing their dirty asses all the way to the soup kitchen. In the midst of all this anger and mistrust it’s comforting that we can all look to the best dressed of God’s Little Rascals to start the healing and ease the suffering.

                   There have been some tough times for the Lost Bible Boys in the past. When reminded of their scandoulous reputation they quickly pull the Catholic Priest sex scandal card and harshly throw it right in your face. They have a valid point since the Catholic Church was rocked by several major lawsuits in 2001 alleging that priests had sexually abused minors. Some priests resigned, others were defrocked or jailed, some received counseling and continued to preach from the sexual predator pulpit. Financial settlements totaling in hundreds of millions of dollars were made with many victims not to mention the dubious honor of having your church listed on the Meaghans Law website.   

                With techno-salvation just a TV remote click away, going to church has never been more convenient. No more dressing up in your Sunday best and dragging the family out the door to sit in a hot stuffy room on benches so uncomfortable you actually considered converting to Paganism a few times. Now you can lay on the couch in your Sunday best underwear drinking beer and eating nachos while you worship the lord until the football game comes on. 

                  Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston now occupies the arena previously home to the Houston Rockets. In 2007, Osteen reported spending nearly $30 million every year on its television ministry. You need an awful lot of donations to keep running that kind of circus. At some point you may feel a little guilty for getting the word of the lord for free and want to respond to the many calls for pledges.  Remember that it’s TV, they can’t see you. They’ll never know. Or will they?  If you want to play it safe send them a few bucks, after all these guys are spending hours in make-up to look great on the frontlines of the war against Satan on your behalf. We should all feel a litte safer knowing that they are there for us…living in mansions so beautiful they could be featured on MTV Cribs.

The Death of Reality

Posted in Uncategorized on November 13, 2008 by edge3306

                    I haven’t posted for a while so here are the updates on the important issues you should know!I have the freaking flu. I’m sure it’s not terminal but it certainly feels like it is. No, that’s not the important issue. It’s just a statement of my current condition. This blog is being written under the influence of Theraflu, Tylenol Severe Cold Medicine, and some green gel pill that’s either for head congestion or heart worms for the dog. Either way I feel like I’m protected on all fronts against this the deadliest of all diseases. Don’t forget that 21.5 million people died as a result of the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. Does the flu get a telethon or a big celebrity spokesperson? Nope. It doesn’t even get a glass jar on a drug store counter with a picture of some poor lazy-eyed kid with snot dripping from his nose to his mouth asking for donations to help fight the flu. Okay, I’m a wimp. 

                    I’m usually always on the go so being sick gives me a chance to sit back and watch TV or rent a DVD. I know that theirs a lot of reality shows on TV but I never noticed how many people are willing to completely humiliate themselves on such a wide scale. The collective need to be on television is overwhelming. I’m not talking about the anger-eating, foul smelling, wife beating, stone washed, inbred amphetamine addicts like on Jerry Springer. I’m referring to regular people just like you and me. Well,… just like me. I don’t technically know everyone who reads this blog so I can’t verify your character.

                          If it’s not an insider’s view of celebrity’s unrehersed real lives it’s pretentious staged human drama with all the pauses, retakes, edits and dubs of an Austin Power’s movie. Here are reviews of some of the shows I’ve watched over the last few days.

Kimora: Life in the FAT FAB Lane.

Was a model…blah,blah,blah…married Russel $immons…blah,blah,blah…now runs fashion empire based on her FABULOUS image and being FAT PHAT. So we get Baby Phat Fashions where she gets input from her young daughters on what little girls want to wear. Apparently little girls want to dress like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Punky Brewster, and Blossom all hopped up on Fruity Pebbles and Gummi Bears. She bosses her staff around like they are kennel dogs while making the most ridiculous demands of them while they take it like Desperate Housewives. Pleasing Kimora is the most important thing in their lives. Being pleased and being fabulous is the most important thing in Kimora’s life and the basis of the whole show. According to Kimora, being fabulous is not just about the jewelry, make-up, clothes, money, party’s, and status…it’s about feeling fabulous whomever you are. I have never felt less fabulous than I do right now.

Brooke Knows Best

Should be called Brooke Knows Nothing. I could only stomach a few minutes of this one. It is a spin-off of her her family’s reality show Hogan Know’s Best  which ran until her parent’s broke up, followed by her brother’s arrest, and her mother’s much publiczed dating of a 19 year old. Of course none of that  reality was ever filmed. Now Brooke is on her own and uh…doing something…or something…and, um, that’s pretty much it. Saving and then pro-creating from a mindless sliver of Hogan Know’s Best is like saving a sample of Hitler’s stem-cell to create future abominations to mankind. Um, I didn’t like it.

Gene Simmons Family Jewels

I actually like this show. I think Gene Simmons is very likable and is both aware of his current staus as a superstar without forgetting that he’s still just a Jewish kid from Brooklyn. All in all it’s a pretty cool show and you get the feeling that the reality is as real as real can get for a reality show. Say that three time fast. I’ve now got a headache to go with my flu.